Crimson Dawn, Divine Extractions and Glom Tho Mechanicals will sell there wares at various stations and other locations throughout the galaxy. The following list is for PUBLIC Vendors, you may sponsor a vendor at your location publicly OR non public.
PUBLIC means anyone can access the Vendor
NON PUBLIC means its meant for a select audience, IE Your faction wants a vendor for its members to use but restricts access to the location
All vendors are owned by Crimson Dawn, and include wares manufactured by Glom Tho Mechanicals and Divine Extractions. Vendor stock images are not constant and may be out of date. Each Vendor has a link to Cedrons Vendor Holonet which shows the current wares in stock!
When you click the Vendor Holonet links, it will default to asking you to login in with the SWC API if you are not already recently logged in, do this and then use the links on our site to go right to the Vendor pages.
Public Locations
Glom Tho
Sector: Hevvrol
System: Glom Tho (-123, 172)
Planet Orbit: Glom Tho (7, 6)
See The Vendor Holonet for current wares and prices
Froz System, Corellian Sector, Shipyard IV Unnamed Armorments
SPONSORED by Unnamed Manufacturing
Shipyard IV Unnamed Armorments (#16374)
Room: Docking Port
Sector: Corellian
System: Froz (78, -10)
Planet Orbit: Froz III (17, 6)
See The Vendor Holonet for current wares
Sector: Lantillian
System: Lantillies (195, 140)
Planet: Lantillies (15, 5)
See The Vendor Holonet for current wares
Nimban right outside the starport
Sector: Hutt Space
System: Nimban (340, 60)
Planet: Nimban (10, 6)
City: Nelvaan (8, 2)
Ground: (16, 9)
See The Vendor Holonet for current wares
Tatooine right outside the stadium
Sector: Arkanis
System: Tatoo (296, -248)
Planet: Tatooine (6, 12)
City: Mos Espa Grand Arena (9, 8)
Ground: (8, 12)
See The Vendor Holonet for current wares
[OPEN] Lu Mi Lowe Trade Port (#20313)
Sector: Callia
System: Vaxal (87, -92)
Planet Orbit: Irfan C (8, 15)
See The Vendor Holonet for current wares and prices
The Merchantates -TLI- (2:3148097)
See where the Merchantates is located currently or find out more by clicking the link.