Crimson Dawn Faces Tibanna Gas Shortage, Prices Soar to 1000 Credits per Unit

Glom Tho, Hevvrol Sector – Crimson Dawn, a fledgling minor government in the Hevvrol sector, is currently grappling with a significant shortage of Tibanna gas, a crucial resource for energy and weaponry applications. This scarcity has led to a sharp increase in prices, now reaching a high 1000 credits per unit.

The shortage has been attributed to several factors, including the inability of Crimson Dawn to mine the resource directly. This situation has forced the organization to seek external suppliers, further driving up costs due to outsourcing and transportation expenses.

Impact on Operations and Economy

Tibanna gas is a vital component in the production of blaster weapons, starship weapons, and various other high-energy applications. The scarcity has not only affected Crimson Dawn’s internal operations but has also had a ripple effect on the broader economy. Businesses and individuals reliant on Tibanna gas are now facing increased operational costs, leading to higher prices for goods and services across the planet Glom Tho.

Strategic Response and Future Outlook

In response to the shortage, Crimson Dawn has initiated negotiations with several external suppliers to secure a steady flow of Tibanna gas. However, these arrangements come with a premium, reflecting the current high market demand and logistical challenges. The organization is also exploring alternative energy sources and technologies to mitigate the impact of the shortage in the long term.

Despite these efforts, the immediate future remains challenging. The high cost of Tibanna gas is expected to persist, placing additional financial pressure on Crimson Dawn and its associated entities. Crimson Dawn has a healthy stockpile at this time but has already began rationing. Boucho Orron Felth of the Department of Mineral Gifts expects prices to soar in year 26 if a direct source is not identified.

Community Reactions

The news of the Tibanna gas shortage has elicited a range of reactions from the community. Some express concern over the potential for increased conflict and instability, given the resource’s critical role in defense and security. Others see this as an opportunity for innovation and adaptation, encouraging investment in alternative technologies and resource management strategies.


As Crimson Dawn navigates this challenging period of its ascension to government status, the organization remains committed to maintaining stability and ensuring the continued prosperity of its territories. The situation underscores the importance of resource management and strategic planning in an ever-changing galactic landscape.