With Modular Factions out now, we are consolidating into one faction. For FI Management clients with Crimson Dawn, Glom Tho Mercantile and Glom Tho Emergency Services this means there are some changes you must make to continue receiving FI management. We hope that you find getting one payment instead of multiple payments to be beneficial in the future.

FI will continue to be paid out until Phase 2 rollout of Modular factions, at which point the Glom Tho factions will shut down and consolidate into one faction under Crimson Dawn. CD has always been the main faction, and will continue to serve as such.

We will have the modules to pay out

Crimson Dawn is dedicated to being a one stop solution for specialized facility management, we look forward to our consolidation to better serve you. Some commonly asked questions and answers below

I Use Glom Tho Mercantile or Glom Tho Emergency Services for FI Management, what do I do?

AT THIS TIME simply assign CRIMSON DAWN for a one source solution to all your FI management needs!

I use Crimson Dawn already for Religious Management, what do I do?

If you are using Crimson Dawn Management Services change your manager to Crimson Dawn